Mute Word on Twitter

Sep 5, 2024

3 min read

Mr. Willy

In the world of social media, (twitter) is a platform where information explodes. Every day, thousands of tweets emerge, some of which can be quite annoying. To help users better manage their Twitter experience, we have launched a powerful browser extension - Mute Word On Twitter.

Key Features

Mute Word on Twitter extension offers a range of practical features to help users easily mute unwanted content:

One-Click Quick Add Mute Word:

Users can quickly add unwanted keywords to the mute list with a simple one-click operation. No complicated settings are required; just click once to mute those annoying contents.

Batch Add Mute Words:

If you have a long list of keywords to mute, Mute Word For Twitter can handle it effortlessly. The extension supports batch adding mute words, allowing users to import multiple keywords at once, saving time and effort.

unlimited mute word list:

The X's official mute word list is 200. The extension breakout the limit, and unlimite mute words can be added.

Auto Sync Mute Word List to mobile app:

The extension not only allows you to add mute words locally but also automatically syncs them to your Twitter account. This means all the mute words you add in the extension will be updated in real-time on Twitter, allowing you to enjoy a clean tweet stream on any device.

Customizable Mute Duration:

Users can customize the mute duration for each mute word according to their needs. Whether it's short-term muting or long-term blocking, Mute Word For Twitter can meet your needs.

Ad Blocking on timeline:

Automatically block ads in the tweet stream.

Also Support for Web Version:

The same mute words can also filter Weibo content (currently does not support syncing to Weibo backend).

Use Cases

  • Avoid Spoilers: If you don't want to see spoilers for a movie or TV show on social media, just add the relevant keywords to the mute list, and Mute Word For Twitter will help you block all related tweets.
  • Block Ads: Tired of various ads in your tweet stream? The extension can help you block tweets containing ad keywords, making your tweet stream cleaner.
  • Filter Negative Content: If you don't want to see certain negative or unpleasant content, just add the relevant keywords to the mute list, and the extension will help you filter out these contents.

Installation and Usage

Installing the Mute Word on Twitter extension is very simple, just follow a few steps:

  1. Open this on extension store in chrome and click 'Add to chrome'.
  2. Add mute words in the chrome extension.
  3. Or just select text to mute when you are on twitter homepage


Mute Word For Twitter extension is a must-have tool for every Twitter user. It not only helps you mute unwanted content but also makes your social media experience more enjoyable and personalized. Install Mute Word For Twitter now and enjoy a cleaner tweet stream!

I hope this article helps you better understand and promote the Mute Word For Twitter extension. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please feel free to contact us.

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